Overview of construction work. 

In spring 2023, various renovation works will be continued and implemented between Meiringen and Oberried. You can find a schedule below. Rail operations will continue without restrictions. This work includes:

  • Dismantling of the installations from the closure of autumn 2022 and restoration of the used areas  
  • Remaining work on the track and the engineering structures  
  • Preparatory work with pouring of construction strips and installation sites 

During this time, the railway line will be closed to regular rail traffic between Meiringen and Interlaken and the entire overhead line will be deactivated. Rail replacement buses will operate. Please check the online timetable at sbb.ch/en/timetable before travelling or refer to the replacement bus timetable. 

Trains will run again on the entire section according to the timetable. The installation sites and the construction strips will be dismantled gradually. The necessary finishing work on the structures and recultivation will be carried out.

Individual projects in detail

The single-track Zentralbahn railway line between Meiringen and Brienzwiler is located in the Hasli-Aare flood zone. The existing railway embankment, including the superstructure, is regularly flooded. Heavy rainfall and flooding repeatedly cause damage to infrastructure and the cultivated land behind it. Zentralbahn is therefore renovating this section of track in two stages. Work on the first stage has now been completed and the second stage is planned for autumn 2025.  

Flood protection is an integral part of the track renewal. In addition to the track, the overhead line will also be replaced. The approximately 6.4-kilometre-long section to be renovated is divided into three lots.

  • Lot 1 (Liechtenen–Junzlen)  
    The main work on this section of the route has been completed. Follow-up and clean-up work is still being carried out.  
  • Lot 2 (Junzlen–Unterbach)  
    The renovation of this section will be implemented in autumn 2025.  
  • Lot 3 (Unterbach–Brienzwiler stop)  
    The main work on this section of the route has been completed. Follow-up and clean-up work is still being carried out.  

On 27 and 28 February 2023, the Stickli level crossing (Hausenstrasse) will be closed for surfacing work. Diversions are signposted. These dates may change depending on the weather. (See also the document “Diversion of Meiringen railway level crossing Stickli 27 and 28 February 2023” under Downloads).

Objectives of the construction project 

  • Flood protection (property protection) of the railway infrastructure and – taking into account the specifications of the flood protection project introduced by the Canton – of the land on the  right bank by raising the railway embankment and building a protective wall in front of it  
  • Track replacement with substructure and superstructure renovation using a durable system with asphalt separation layer  
  • Renovation of the contact line system including repositioning of the masts on the side facing away from the river 

During the 2022 autumn closure, the first stage of the total renovation of the approximately 1.5-kilometre-long section of track between the Talguet level crossing and Lauimatte was successfully completed. In addition, the Brienz underpass was renovated, supporting structures were constructed at Gurgenbach and the Lauimatte Brienz Waste Disposal and Recycling Centre and parts of the remaining underpasses were constructed. Implementation of the full renovation was originally planned in two stages. The total closure in spring 2023 will now be used to renovate a further section of around 600 metres between Stägmattgasse and Hegerweg.  

There are two level crossings on this section of the line, which will be closed during the total closure. Due to the closure of the level crossing, access to the Lauimatte Brienz Waste Disposal and Recycling Centre will not be possible via Hauptstrasse/Faulbachweg during this period. Visitors can access the site via Seestrasse/Faulbachweg instead. A diversion will be signposted.  

In autumn 2025, the remaining section of around 1.4 kilometres between Hegerweg and Brienz station will be renovated in a third and final stage.    

Objectives of the construction project  

  • Track renewal with substructure and superstructure renovation  
  • Adaptation of the track drainage 

Diversions for level crossings

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) stipulates for public transport that new vehicles and new stops, as well as those being converted for reasons of maintenance, network expansion, operational safety or similar, must meet the needs of age and disability-restricted passengers. Among other things, level access is required.  

Conversion of the Brienz West stop  

The main work on the conversion of the Brienz West stop has been completed. The final follow-up and clean-up work is being carried out.

Conversion of the Ebligen stop  

At the Ebligen stop, the platform was raised to 35 centimetres and extended to a length of 125 metres. The substructure and superstructure of the railway line in the direct platform area were renovated and the access path to the station was repaired. The main work has been completed. Work is still being carried out on the surrounding area.  

Conversion of Oberried station  

The track in the station area needs to be renovated; disabled access has only been partially achieved. During the course of this renovation, there are plans to adapt the entire station area to the new requirements.  

During the last total closure in spring 2023, demolition work was carried out in preparation for the main work. This included installation of a new technical cabin, the lifting into place of the tunnel elements for the pedestrian underpass and installation of elements of the new overhead line system. The main work and the finishing work on the conversion of the track system and the station area will be carried out during the upcoming total closure. Further work will be carried out in the meantime to ensure that the time window for the next total closure is sufficient.  

Planned construction work until the spring 2023 closure  


  • Completion of the hill-side ramp for the pedestrian underpass
  • Excavation of the lake-side ramp for the pedestrian underpass
  • Difference walls in the station area
  • Creation of additional installation areas
  • Construction of overhead line foundations inside and outside the station area (night work)

If work is being carried out between 7am and 5pm in the time windows listed below, people in the track area will be alerted to approaching trains by an acoustic signal from an automatic radio warning system (Minimel). This warning system improves occupational safety and will be used in the time windows listed below.  

  • 28 November 2022 to 24 February 2023
  • 3 April 2023 to 30 June 2023 (night work)

We kindly ask residents for their understanding.  

Total closure in spring 2023 from 27 February to 2 April 2023  

During the total closure next spring, the renovation work will be completed and then the areas worked on will be restored.  
The work planned during the total closure includes: 

  • Completion of the new pedestrian underpass
  • Construction of two new platforms, each 190 metres long
  • Substructure renovation incl. replacement of rails, sleepers and points
  • Completion of the new overhead line system
  • Construction of new public areas and furnishings
  • Construction of new car park to the east of the station building

Diversions for pedestrians

For safety reasons, the footpath along the route from the station towards Interlaken will be closed to pedestrians during the intensive construction phase. A diversion via Louwena and Thomanngässli will be signposted.

Rail replacement stops

Bicycle racks are available for customers at the “Gmeindshuus” and “Louwena” temporary stops.

Access to village shop

Access to the village shop in the station building is ensured, but space in the entrance area is limited. We kindly ask customers and residents for their understanding.

Helicopter deployment to install the overhead line masts

On 16 March 2023 – or on 17 March 2023, depending on the weather – the overhead line masts above Oberried station will be flown in by helicopter between 8am and 5pm. We ask residents living in the immediate vicinity of the station area to remove or secure loose objects or light materials (e.g. clothes, tarpaulins, cardboard boxes, flower pots) and to keep sunshades and blinds closed or retract them.

Sanierung Stützmauer Viadukt Ringgenberg

Aus statischen Gründen ist es nötig die bestehende Stützmauer beim Büeliweg 2 bis 4 in Ringgenberg zu ersetzen. Weil ein Teil dieser Arbeiten nur in einer Totalsperre ausgeführt werden kann, plant die Zentralbahn diese Sanierungsarbeiten in der anstehenden Totalsperre vom 27. Februar bis 02. April 2023 umzusetzen. Anschliessend werden die letzten Abschlussarbeiten wie die Entwässerung des Viadukts und die Instandsetzung des Vorplatzes aus den vergangenen Totalsperren ausgeführt. Details dazu können dem Informationsschreiben an die direkt betroffenen Anwohner entnommen werden.

Instandsetzung Brunnengasse, Kirchgasse und Grubengasse

Vom 02. Mai bis 26.05.2023 werden Instandsetzungsarbeiten an der Brunnengasse, der Kirchgasse, dem Bürgliweg, der Grubengasse und Zufahrt Hübeli ausgeführt. Details dazu können dem Informationsschreiben an die direkt betroffenen Anwohner entnommen werden.


Die Sicherungsanlagen bzw. Stellwerkanlagen an der Bahnlinie zwischen Meiringen und Interlaken Ost sind in die Jahre gekommen. In zwei Etappen sollen die Stellwerke auf dieser Strecke erneuert und zu einem Linienstellwerk zusammengefasst werden. Im Rahmen des Projekts «Linienstellwerk Brienzwiler – Oberried» wird die erste Etappe in dieser Totalsperre umgesetzt. Ein Bestandteil des Projekts sind auch zwei neue Blockstellen (zusätzliche Signale) zwischen Meiringen und Brienzwiler (Unterbach) sowie zwischen Brienz und Oberried (Ebligen), welche ebenfalls in dieser Totalsperre realisiert werden. Diese werden für den Ausbauschritt 2035 – dies ist der zweite Ausbauschritt des strategischen Entwicklungsprogramms (STEP) des Bundes und der SBB - zwingend benötigt, um dem Betrieb die notwendige Fahrplanstabilität/Kapazitätssteigerung zu ermöglichen.


  • Niederried

Im Bereich Ursisbalm/Helzli bei Niederried werden voraussichtlich zwischen dem 13. und 17. März 2023 im Rahmen von Felsreinigungsarbeiten rund 6 m3 Fels gesprengt.


Entstehende Einschränkungen und Unannehmlichkeiten.

Die Zentralbahn plant ihre Bauprojekte langfristig. Nach Möglichkeit werden diese Projekte zusammengefasst und in kurzen Intensivbauphasen mit sehr kompakten Bauprogrammen umgesetzt. Dabei sind Totalsperren unumgänglich, da sie es ermöglichen, die Auswirkungen auf Anwohnerinnen und Anwohner sowie Reisenden zu minimieren und zeitlich zu beschränken. Gleichzeitig wird auch die Arbeitssicherheit und die Qualität der Arbeiten erhöht.


Die Bauarbeiten, welche bis Ende Februar 2023 für die Abschlussarbeiten sowie Vorbereitungsarbeiten ausgeführt werden, finden in der Regel MO-FR zwischen 7.00 und 17.00 Uhr statt.

Kommt es zu Nachteinsätzen wird direkt über zentralbahn.ch/nachtarbeiten informiert. Die Zentralbahn ist bemüht, die Lärmemissionen auf das Minimum zu beschränken.

Die Bauarbeiten während der Totalsperre finden in der Regel MO-SA zwischen 6.00 und 23.00 Uhr statt. In dieser Zeit sind lärmintensive Arbeiten teilweise unumgänglich. Damit der Bahnbetrieb wieder aufgenommen werden kann, müssen gewisse Arbeiten bis Ende der Totalsperre zwingend fertiggestellt sein. Deshalb können je nach Bauverlauf Arbeitseinsätze am Sonntag nötig werden und vereinzelt kann es zu Nachteinsätzen kommen.  

In Oberried sind aufgrund des gedrängten Bauprogrammes und des Arbeitsfortschrittes Arbeitseinsätzen MO-SO zwischen 05.00 bis 22.00 Uhr geplant.

Verkehrsbehinderungen Bahn

Während der Totalsperre vom 27. Februar bis 2. April 2023 verkehren Bahnersatzbusse zwischen Meiringen und Interlaken. Bitte rechnen Sie mehr Reisezeit ein. Kundenlenkerinnen und -lenker in Brienz sowie in Interlaken Ost informieren Sie vor Ort. Den detaillierten Fahrplan finden Sie auf dem Online-Fahrplan unter sbb.ch/fahrplan und unter zentralbahn.ch.

Verkehrsbehinderungen Strasse

Die Zufahrt zu angrenzenden Liegenschaften ist gewährleistet, mit Behinderungen ist jedoch zu rechnen. Wo nötig werden Umleitungen signalisiert. Die Baustellen werden von den Bauunternehmen abgesperrt. Im Interesse der eigenen Sicherheit bitten wir Sie die Absperrungen zu respektieren.

Der Baustellenverkehr trägt zu einem erhöhten Verkehrsaufkommen bei und es kann zu kurzfristigen Wartezeiten kommen. Wo nötig, wie zum Beispiel in Oberried, wird ein Verkehrsdienst eingesetzt. Wir bitten Sie um Verständnis.

Einblicke in die Arbeiten der Sperre im Frühling 2023.


The tracks at Gurgenbach were cut and removed together with the superstructure within the first 24 hours at the section between Gurgenbach and Heger.


The Kienholz bridge was uncovered so that it could then be renovated.

Oberried station

Heavy machinery was mobilised to tackle the upcoming mammoth task.

Oberried station

In no time at all, the station became unrecognisable. The track was removed and there was no sign of a platform.

Oberried station 

The battle of the materials begins. The station clock was only thing left to remind us of the station. The subsoil was excavated and the new material was already on site.

Oberried station 

The team worked together to lay and pour the foundations for the overhead line system. Meanwhile, the cable shafts were excavated to the side of the foundations using the excavator. 

Oberried station

Space was in short supply – the logistics for this site were the most complex of all the ongoing construction projects. 


The drainage system was completely renovated and the elements for the ballast supports were installed.


A broken pipe was discovered at the Abegglen depot. Thanks to proactive cooperation with the Abegglen depot, it was possible to replace it immediately.


The underpass area had already been renovated in autumn 2022. The chickens in the background explored their new home and the private owners’ land was gradually restored.


The shiny new Kienholz bridge. There was not much more to do and rail services could be resumed.


One of the trickiest steps: applying the asphalt separating layer. This work cannot be carried out in all weather. Fortunately, the weather decided to play along again this year and the sun shone brightly while our hard-working construction workers laid the asphalt. Technical tip: this layer is required as a separating layer to direct the rainwater into the drainage system. It also prevents water rising up from below.


The platform brackets were in place and the surface was laid. It’s hard to imagine that trains would be running here again as usual in two weeks’ time.


The tiny object in the distance is an overhead line mast, which was flown from Brienz to Oberried and installed immediately. Here, too, the weather played along and the manoeuvre was carried out without any problems.


The excavator was converted into a lifting crane and the sleepers were lifted onto the future track, where the ballast and rails were already waiting to be completed.


The first train to run on the freshly laid tracks was not a Zentralbahn train but rather one of the construction company’s track-going vehicles.


The time had finally come for the centrepieces of Oberried station – the points – to be delivered and installed. A special crane capable of transporting the large loads was organised especially for this work.


Working with a view of the lake! From this perspective, you can see the extent and complexity of the work at Oberried station.


What had been nothing but construction site in the first few days would be made operational again in the last few days of the total closure. The track was back in place and most of the track work was completed. General work in the nearby area would also be carried out in the days following the closure – but trains could run again!


A lot of work was also carried out beyond the main construction site. The ARA Brienz side project used the interruption of rail traffic to remove the protective netting that had been in place for so long. All participants were now ready for the trains to start running again.


This is probably where the most extensive construction work was carried out during the closure this spring. The station was completely modernised. The follow-up work would continue until the autumn of that year. We are very grateful to the dedicated employees of the companies involved for their commitment and also to the local residents for their patience.


When the track was removed, it almost looked as if a new road was being built. But after five weeks of intensive efforts, the track was fully restored. Our trains will be able to run safely on them for the next 80 years.